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Kendra Boone
Dec 7, 20153 min read
Mindfulness: Take time for yourself this Christmas
The malls are already saturating us with Christmas jingles and we're trying to juggle present shopping with planning meals and holidays...

Kendra Boone
Sep 3, 20154 min read
From anxiety to calm with yoga: One breath at a time.
Have you ever had a panic attack? That scary, intense feeling of panic can cause a range of symptoms including shortness of breath, heart...

Beth and Kendra
May 13, 20153 min read
View from my yoga mat
To teach and sense as a yoga teacher requires a relaxed concentration. A kind of go with the flow intuition, while maintaining a sharp...

Kendra Boone
Apr 29, 20152 min read
Mindfulness and Mothers Day
Life is too short, we should all move more slowly. - Thich Nhat Hanh Being calm in life's fullness is certainly a challenge. But...

Kendra Boone
Mar 13, 20153 min read
Autumn: How to stay grounded during this season of change
I was once told that certain spiritual masters in Tibet used to set their teacups upside down before they went to bed each night as a...

Kendra Boone
Mar 12, 20153 min read
Yoga at Home. How to get started.
So you’ve become a regular yoga class goer, but the momentum is occasionally broken by family sickness or work commitments. You have the...

Kendra Boone
Jan 30, 20153 min read
Balance your weight and your life with Yoga
I am often asked whether or not yoga can help with weight loss. Moving into my late forties I can understand how quick we can be to judge...

Kendra Boone
Jan 15, 20152 min read
Glorious Savasana: Yoga's best kept secret
Do you ever feel like your whole life has prepared you for this moment? A moment where you have a chance to step up and shine or soldier...

Kendra Boone
Oct 14, 20142 min read
Generosity and openness: The yoga of Asteya
Abiding in generosity and honesty, material and spiritual prosperity is bestowed. Sutra 11.37 On occasion, you may admire something...

Kendra Boone
Oct 14, 20143 min read
Restore and simplify: The Yoga of Ahimsa
Embracing reverence and love for all, we experience oneness. Sutra 11.35 We all realise the great health benefits that come with a...
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